Healing and the healer

There are countless stories about healing through a myriad of personal
testimonials and accounts stretching from as far back as Biblical days
and the workings of Christ and beyond. It was a challenge therefore to
create something to inspire and interest you on this subject. As such,
it was with great excitement that I began to once again pull together
the threads of wisdom that were waving at me from the ether and produce
something, hopefully, worth reading.
As an instrument of healing I am often reluctant to call myself a
healer. I am of the firm belief that animals heal themselves and
occasionally I am fortunate enough to be able to assist them. When this
alignment occurs it is a great joy and relief but as so many of us
know, it is not always the case that healing follows rapidly.

The great homeopathic master, Samuel Hahnemann (1810), described
healing as cure in his ‘Organon of the Medical Art’ in the following
‘The highest ideal of cure is the rapid, gentle and permanent
restoration of health; that is, the lifting and annihilation of the
disease in its entire extent in the shortest, most reliable, and least
disadvantageous way, according to clearly realizable principles.”

And the healer as “The physician’s highest and only calling is to make
the sick healthy, to cure, as it is called.” And, “ He is likewise a
sustainer of health if he knows the things that disturb health, that
engender and maintain disease, and is aware of how to remove them from
healthy people.” Or in my case, animals.

Whilst it is my belief that it is only Divine Love that heals, all
Homeopaths will recognize these aphorisms as the basic tenets of their
art. They form a solid foundation for the art of holistic medical
practices. Hahnemann himself had an acute awareness of the vital force
that pervades all living things and gives them health. Whilst he did
not describe himself as an instrument of healing he was aware that
there was a Divine force and that there were obstacles to cure. These
obstacles are sometimes easy to identify and overcome but at other
times they are deeply, immovably imbedded.

I, myself, am beginning to accept that some patients will not be, or
cannot be cured. In a sense, in these cases, it is their disease that
is their ‘life’ or rather their life’s lesson or mission. It is how
they deal with this that is of real importance. It can be difficult to
accept this situation and until recently I had little help to assist in
the acceptance of it myself.

It was during my reading recently of ‘Kundalini, the Mother Power’ by
Sri Chinmoy that I received some assistance. His writing also further
inspired me to share some thoughts on the healer and the importance of
not striving too hard to remove these obstacles. It is our duty to
assist healing as far as we are capable but in those cases that are
truly intractable we can end up damaging ourselves if we push too hard.
In this respect, most practitioners of hands on healing techniques are
quite aware of the draining or adverse effect that some patients can
have upon them. Most holistic practitioners are actually taught how to
cleanse or energise themselves after certain healing procedures as part
of their training in these disciplines. It is, perhaps, partly for not
having this training, that conventional medical doctors, dentists and
veterinarians unfortunately have amongst the highest rates of drug
abuse and suicide in professional vocations.

Sri Chinmoy speaks of Yogis and highly developed individuals who have
acquired mastery over their muladhara or root chakra. Whilst by far the
majority of us have not attained this level, it is interesting to note
his insight into healing those who may not be destined to be healed. He
says, “When a person with mastery over the muladhara centre sees that
someone has a particular disease, he has to know whether that
individual deserves the disease or whether it is the result of a
hostile attack. If the person has done something wrong, naturally under
the law of karma he deserves to pay the penalty. But if the disease is
not from the law of karma, but rather from the attack of some hostile
force, and if it is God’s Will that his disease should be cured, then
naturally a spiritual person who has the capacity should cure it. But
if he does it at his own sweet will, or if he acts in an undivine way
and just shows off, then he breaks the cosmic law. He will cure the
person but this cure will eventually act against both the healer and
the sick person. It will add to their ignorant and self-destructive
quality. So the healer has to know if it is the Will of God that the
person be cured. Only then will he cure. Otherwise he has to remain
silent and do nothing”

At first, I felt uneasy about this because I thought ‘how am I going to
know what to do?’ Then I realized that fortunately, I am not a Yogi so
do not have the responsibilities attached to this position and secondly
I am surrendered to the outcome of my cases through adhering to the
practice of praying or meditating for all of my patients. Hopefully
through this practice, coupled with the ever descending compassion rain
from heaven, I am spared the karmic repercussions of pushing cases
beyond their capacity to heal.

The thing that arises from this, however, is that animals in their
devoted self offering will invariably take on the disease of their
owners or develop other diseases from the unhealthy energy they absorb
in their home environments. It is usually possible to assist these
animals to a cure. But at other times I have to wonder if the animals
themselves are acting as healers in their own right and what role I
should play. Occasionally when cure is difficult it can be hard to
know whether it is because I am not behaving as a good instrument or if
there are these other forces at play. Often the animals themselves will
let me know. Other times I have naught to do but surrender.

My personal experience of my own injury or illness is usually that it
is an opportunity to learn something more about myself. In effect, it
is a lesson that I have eventually come to appreciate and will
invariably bring about an even greater awareness and enjoyment of life
regardless of the outcome. The individuals from whom I attain the
greatest inspiration are often those who cheerfully triumph over their
adversities and rise above their diseases to bring hope to others.

Nowhere is this better demonstrated for me than in the lives of the
animals who allow me to assist them to heal.

2 Responses to “Healing and the healer”

  1. From Justin Ellison

    Thanks for this article. The processing of healing is a good process and I really enjoy the insights that you put forth in your message above. If only more people would head this advice.

  2. From Jennifer Hornsey

    Dear Saranyu

    This article is heaven sent
    I find this really helpful

    I have been on quite a journey as we all are
    I wish to thank you for giving me Robert McDowells name

    Have you visited Herbalist Isabel Shipards website?
    She is an Australian woman with a wealth of experience

    I have also done some workshops with Petrea King
    I am now meditating more often
    I am seeking Peace and spreading Peace
    I wish you happiness in your new clinic

    Warmest regards
    Jennifer Hornsey

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